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Tarta de platano 馃崒 y kiwi 馃

#vegan #glutenfree
Tarta de 馃崒 platano, 馃崑 lim贸n y 馃 kiwi, ligera, sabrosa, fresca y natural.
Baja en az煤car y grasas:
s贸lo en la base hay un poco de az煤car de coco y sirope de arroz, harinas sin gluten, s贸lo 50 gr de manteca de coco, vainilla y leche vegetal.
Toda la fruta conserva su sabor original! 馃崌馃崍馃崏馃崐馃崑馃崒馃崓馃崕馃崗馃崘馃崙馃崚馃崜馃馃崊馃ゥ馃悞
Banana, 馃崑 lemon and 馃 kiwi cake, light, tasty, fresh and natural.
Low in sugar and fats:
only in the base there is some coconut sugar and rice syrup, gluten-free flours, only 50 g of coconut butter, vanilla and vegetable milk.
All the fruit retains its original flavor! 馃崌馃崍馃崏馃崐馃崑馃崒馃崓馃崕馃崗馃崘馃崙馃崚馃崜馃馃崊馃ゥ馃悞